Low-Carbon District Heating: Performance Modeling of Hybrid Solar, Heat Pump, and Thermal Storage Systems for District Thermal Energy in the United States: Paper No. 2321

Jordan Cox, Gustavo Campos, Paul Armatis, Scott Belding, Travis Lowder, Lasse Kristensen, Andreas Zourellis, Frederic Bless, Cordin Arpagaus, Samuel Baldwin

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


District heating requires thermal energy in the temperature range of 40 degrees C - 120 degrees C. Typically, the thermal energy input for these systems has largely been met through fossil energy. However, the temperature range is low enough that it presents an opportunity for low-carbon technologies such as solar thermal and electrified thermal generators like heat pumps to decarbonize the heat generation. In this paper, a heat pump model was applied to estimate the performance and economics of a real-world low-carbon district heating substation. This system is comprised of a flat plate solar collector field paired with a mechanical vapor compression heat pump and hot water thermal storage, augmented by gas-fired boilers. Plant data was used to tune the model and estimate the system's benefits in terms of both standard financial metrics (IRR and payback), and environmental metrics, including avoided CO2 emissions. The model is subsequently employed to estimate the technical and economic potential of solar + heat pump + ther-mal storage hybrid systems as retrofits for district heating systems in eight US Markets.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 2022
Event19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference - Purdue
Duration: 10 Jul 202214 Jul 2022


Conference19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5R00-82496


  • district heating
  • heat pump
  • technoeconomic analysis


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