Low Wind Speed Turbine Developments in Convoloid Gearing: Final Technical Report, June 2005 - October 2008

NREL, Scott Schreck (NREL Technical Monitor)

Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


This report presents the results of a study conducted by Genesis Partners LP as part of the United States Department of Energy Wind Energy Research Program to develop wind technology that will enable wind systems to compete in regions having low wind speeds. The purpose of the program is to reduce the cost of electricity from large wind systems in areas having Class 4 winds to 3 cents per kWh foronshore systems or 5 cents per kWh for offshore systems. This work builds upon previous activities under the WindPACT project, the Next Generation Turbine project, and Phase I of the Low Wind Speed Turbine (LWST) project. This project is concerned with the development of more cost-effective gearing for speed increasers for wind turbines.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages247
StatePublished - 2010

Bibliographical note

Work performed by Genesis Partners, LP, Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/SR-500-45103


  • 108-kW wind turbine gearboxes
  • cost-effective gearing for speed increasers for wind turbines
  • gear teeth
  • low wind speed
  • low wind speed turbine (LWST)


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