title = "Market Design Concepts for Evolving Power Systems",
abstract = "This presentation provides a summary of competitive wholesale electricity market modeling tools and analysis being conducted in the Grid Planning and Analysis Center (GPAC) at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). A specific emphasis is placed on the impact of forward and operational market designs on investment decisions and system resource adequacy. This includes linkages that have been developed between a suite of integrated investment, market operations, and resource adequacy tools, as well analysis exploring the impact of non-traditional levels of operational detail on resource adequacy assessment and how markets may need modifications to more efficiently signal for desired resource adequacy outcomes. Analytical approaches and select preliminary results are provided from multiple analyses that leverage NREL's integrated modeling approach.",
keywords = "capacity expansion modeling, carbon policy, competitive wholesale electricity markets, market design, resource adequacy, technical assistance",
author = "Bethany Frew and Yinong Sun",
year = "2022",
language = "American English",
series = "ESIG webinar presented 23 August 2022",
type = "Other",