Method and Pd/V2 O5 Device for H2 Detection

Ping Liu (Inventor), Edwin Tracy (Inventor), Roland Pitts (Inventor), Davis Smith II (Inventor), Se-Hee Lee (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    Methods and Pd/V.sub.2O.sub.5 devices for hydrogen detection are disclosed. An exemplary method of preparing an improved sensor for chemochromic detection of hydrogen gas over a wide response range exhibits stability during repeated coloring/bleaching cycles upon exposure and removal of hydrogen gas. The method may include providing a substrate. The method may also include depositing a V.sub.20.sub.5 layer that functions as a H.sub.2 insertion host in a Pd/V.sub.20.sub.5 hydrogen sensor to be formed on said substrate. The method may also include depositing a Pd layer onto said V.sub.20.sub.5 layer; said Pd layer functioning as an optical modulator.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Patent number8,084,265
    StatePublished - 2011

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/PT-1200-53912


    • deposition
    • hydrogen detection
    • substrates


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