Micromobility Integrated Transit and Infrastructure for Efficiency (MITIE)

Research output: NRELPresentation


Nearly omnipresent in many cities of all sizes across the United States, micromobility vehicles-e-scooters, manual bicycles, e-bicycles, and larger seated electric scooters-are notably missing from SMART Mobility research. This project aims to expand the spectrum of modes currently being researched within SMART Mobility by exploring micromobility as an important tool toward meeting energy-efficient mobility goals. It expands on findings from SMART Mobility 1.0 that revealed preferences to reduce transportation-related expenses through use of a network of mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) and other shared mobility options, and builds on findings from a 2019 Vehicle Technology Analysis Program (VTAP) funded micromobility project conducted by our team. We will explore multiple facets of micromobility, including behavior and decision-making, the integration of micromobility within transportation infrastructure, energy estimates, and operations. Guiding research questions include: (1) What are the potential energy savings from low, medium, and high market penetration of micromobility (in passenger, multimodal, and freight domains)? (2) Which scenarios for micromobility use and related enablement of increased public transit use should be modeled/considered in the SMART 2.0 Workflow? (3) To what degree can micromobility supplement/complement transit system operations? (4) What are people's preferences towards micromobility? How do preferences vary across various sociodemographic segments? How can this knowledge inform operations? (5) What are optimal strategies to attain high user adoption and shift users toward more energy-efficient mode choices in terms of micromobility operation? How do these strategies affect energy savings, person-miles traveled, lifecycle energy use, and adoption rates? These questions will be addressed through applied research in five project emphasis areas: (1) Energy estimates of micromobility for Workflow scenarios: Expand and refine previous micromobility work to augment the Workflow approaches to modeling urban travel. (2) Multimodal connection with transit: Utilizing Mobility-Energy Productivity (MEP) tools to evaluate multimodal travel patterns enabled by micromobility, including assessing how to reduce barriers of inequity of access to mobility options and destinations. (3) Mode choice, induced demand, and infrastructure: Understanding the mode shift induced through micromobility to inform energy impact analysis. (4) Energy optimization of micromobility operations: Identification of micromobility operations parameters and development of operations scenarios to better understand present-day micromobility operations for integration into the Workflow, in partnership with BEAM and POLARIS modeling teams. (5) Micro-freight: Characterize the current state of micro-freight activities, including energy effects and geospatial analyses, to inform Workflow.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages19
StatePublished - 2021

Publication series

NamePresented at the 2021 DOE Vehicle Technologies Office Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting, 21-25 June 2021

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PR-5400-80003


  • bikeshare
  • e-bikes
  • e-scooters
  • micromobility
  • personal mobility
  • transit


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