Microwave Photoconductance Spectrometer and Methods of Using the Same

Bryon Larson (Inventor), Obadiah Reid (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present disclosure relates to a steady-state microwave conductivity method that includes modulating a light beam to form an amplitude modulated light having a modulation frequency 1.sub.1, producing a microwave waveform, exposing a sample to the amplitude modulated light and a first portion of the microwave waveform to produce an amplitude modulation signal on the first portion of the microwave waveform, and mixing a second portion of the microwave waveform and the amplitude modulation signal to produce a first signal and a second signal.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number11,563,405 B2
Filing date24/01/23
StatePublished - 2023

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-5900-85190


  • amplitude modulated light
  • amplitude modulation signal
  • frequency-filtered amplified difference signal
  • photoconductivity parameter


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