Miniband Dispersion in GaAs/AlxGa1-x As Superlattices with Wide Wells and Very Thin Barriers

M. W. Peterson, J. A. Turner, C. A. Parsons, A. J. Nozik, D. J. Arent, C. Van Hoof, G. Borghs, R. Houdré, H. Morkoç

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21 Scopus Citations


Photoreflectance spectra have been used to characterize miniband formation in GaAs/ Alx Ga1-x As superlattices with wide wells (275-255 Å) and withb arriers as thin as 17 Å. Thirty-two optical transitions are resolved in the photoreflectance spectra of the 17 Å barrier sample. These experimental transitions match all those theoretically predicted from the selection rule Δn=0, including Γ- and Π-type transitions arising from miniband dispersion; these results imply sample perfection. A sample with a 40 Å barrier exhibits forbidden transitions with Δn≠0; these additional transitions, together with the narrow width of the minibands for 40 Å barriers, create difficulty in resolving the miniband structure.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)2666-2668
Number of pages3
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number26
StatePublished - 1988

Bibliographical note

Work performed by Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, Colorado; Interuniversitair Micro-Elektronica Centrum uzw, Leuven, Belgium; and Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois

NREL Publication Number

  • ACNR/JA-236-11369


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