Multi-Layered Perovskites, Devices, and Methods of Making the Same

Kai Zhu (Inventor), Yixin Zhao (Inventor), Mengjin Yang (Inventor), Taiyang Zhang (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Methods are described that include contacting an alkyl ammonium metal halide film with an alkyl ammonium halide, where the alkyl ammonium metal halide film includes a first halogen and a metal, the alkyl ammonium halide includes a second halogen, such that the contacting forms an alkyl ammonium metal mixed-halide film that interfaces with the alkyl ammonium metal halide film, where the alkyl ammonium metal mixed-halide film includes the first halogen, the second halogen, and the metal.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number11,616,158 B2
Filing date28/03/23
StatePublished - 2023

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-5900-85806


  • alkyl ammonium metal halide film
  • alkyl ammonium metal mixed halide film
  • liquid phase
  • vapor phase


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