Nanostructure Containing Organic-Metal Halide Perskovites

Jeffrey Blackburn (Inventor), Kai Zhu (Inventor), Mengjin Yang (Inventor), Rachelle Ihly (Inventor), Anne-Marie Dowgiallo (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Described herein is a device that includes an alkyl ammonium metal halide perovskite layer, and a nanostructured semiconductor layer in physical contact with the alkyl ammonium metal halide perovskite layer. The alkyl ammonium metal halide perovskite layer may include methyl ammonium cations. The alkyl ammonium metal halide perovskite layer may include anions of at least one of chlorine, bromine, astatine, and/or iodine. The alkyl ammonium metal halide perovskite layer may include cations of a metal in a 2+ valence state. The metal may include at least one of lead, tin, and/or germanium.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number10,586,657 B2
Filing date10/03/20
StatePublished - 2020

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-5K00-76407


  • alkyl ammonium metal halide perovskite
  • nanostructured semiconductor layer


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