Non-Linear Luminescent Coupling in Series-Connected Multijunction Solar Cells

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113 Scopus Citations


The assumption of superposition or linearity of photocurrent with solar flux is widespread for calculations and measurements of solar cells. The well-known effect of luminescent coupling in multijunction solar cells has also been assumed to be linear with excess current. Here we show significant non-linearities in luminescent coupling in III-V multijunction solar cells and propose a simple model based on competition between radiative and nonradiative processes in the luminescent junction to explain these non-linearities. We demonstrate a technique for accurately measuring the junction photocurrents under a specified reference spectrum, that accounts for and quantifies luminescent coupling effects.

Original languageAmerican English
Article number251106
Number of pages5
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number25
StatePublished - 18 Jun 2012

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-5200-54916


  • luminescent coupling
  • solar energy, solar cells


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