NREL PV Working with Industry, Spring/Summer 1996

    Research output: NRELMarketing


    This newsletter highlights some of NREL's PV accomplishments, which include a record silicon solar cell module efficiency of 22.3% reported by the University of New South Wales; an 11.8% stable triple-junction cell and a 10.2% one foot square module in amorphous silicon by United Solar Systems Corporation; a wide range of cadmium telluride (CdTe) deposition techniques were reported to produceefficient CdS/CdTe devices; as well as a wide range of advances in copper indium diselenide, III-V high-efficiency devices, cell and module testing, and encapsulants.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages16
    StatePublished - 1996

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/MK-410-21251


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