Bergua, R, Robertson, A
, Jonkman, J, Branlard, E, Fontanella, A, Belloli, M, Schito, P, Zasso, A, Persico, G, Sanvito, A, Amet, E, Brun, C, Campana-Alonso, G, Martin-San-Roman, R, Cai, R, Cai, J, Qian, Q, Maoshi, W, Beardsell, A, Pirrung, G, Ramos-Garcia, N, Shi, W, Fu, J, Corniglion, R, Lovera, A, Galvan, J, Nygaard, T, Renan dos Santos, C, Gilbert, P, Joulin, P-A, Blondel, F, Frickel, E, Chen, P, Hu, Z, Boisard, R, Yilmazlar, K, Croce, A, Harnois, V, Zhang, L, Li, Y, Aristondo, A, Alonso, I, Mancini, S, Boorsma, K, Savenije, F, Marten, D, Soto-Valle, R, Schulz, C, Netzband, S, Bianchini, A, Papi, F, Cioni, S, Trubat, P, Alarcon, D, Molins, C, Cormier, M, Bruker, K, Lutz, T, Xiao, Q, Deng, Z, Haudin, F & Goveas, A 2022, '
OC6 Project Phase III: Validation of the Aerodynamic Loading on a Wind Turbine Rotor Undergoing Large Motion Caused by a Floating Support Structure',
Wind Energy Science Discussions.