Overheating in Hot Water- and Steam-Heated Multifamily Buildings

Kapil Varshney, Hugh Henderson, Jordan Dentz

Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


Apartment temperature data have been collected from the archives of companies that provide energy management systems (EMS) to multifamily buildings in the Northeast U.S. The data have been analyzed from more than 100 apartments in eighteen buildings where EMS systems were already installed to quantify the degree of overheating. This research attempts to answer the question, 'What is the magnitudeof apartment overheating in multifamily buildings with central hot water or steam heat?' This report provides valuable information to researchers, utility program managers and building owners interested in controlling heating energy waste and improving resident comfort. Apartment temperature data were analyzed for deviation from a 70 degrees F desired setpoint and for variation by heating systemtype, apartment floor level and ambient conditions. The data shows that overheating is significant in these multifamily buildings with both hot water and steam heating systems.
Original languageAmerican English
PublisherNational Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Number of pages63
StatePublished - 2013

Bibliographical note

Work performed by ARIES Collaborative, New York, New York

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/SR-5500-60054

Other Report Number

  • DOE/GO-102013-4013


  • boiler control
  • Building America
  • EE
  • energy efficiency
  • energy management systems
  • hydronic heat
  • multifamily
  • overheating
  • residential
  • residential buildings
  • steam heat


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