Performance vs. Microstructure in Rf Sputtered CdS/CdTe Solar Cells

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    In rf sputtering the film microstructure can be affected by many factors including substrate temperature, sputter gas pressure, substrate bias, and the magnetic field of the magnetron. In this paper we examine principally the effects of pressure, substrate bias, and the magnetic field of the planar magnetron sputter source on the microstructure and relate this to the performance of CdS/CdTe solarcells in which both semiconductor layers were grown by rf sputtering. With careful choice of gas pressure and magnetic field configuration, we have demonstrated an all-rf-sputtered CdS/CdTe solar cell with AM1.5 efficiency of 11.6% as confirmed by NREL.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages4
    StatePublished - 1996
    EventTwenty Fifth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - Washington, D.C.
    Duration: 13 May 199617 May 1996


    ConferenceTwenty Fifth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
    CityWashington, D.C.

    Bibliographical note

    Work performed by the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/CP-22416


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