title = "PEV Integration with Renewables (Presentation): NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)",
abstract = "This presentation discusses current research at NREL on integrating plug-in electric vehicles with the grid and using renewable energy to charge the grid. The Electric Vehicle Grid Integration (EVGI) and Integrated Network Testbed for Energy Grid Research and Technology Experimentation (INTEGRATE) are addressing the opportunities and technical requirements for vehicle grid integration that willincrease marketability and lead to greater petroleum reduction.",
keywords = "2014 AMR, annual merit reviews, grid integration, PEV, plug-in electric vehicles, renewable energy (RE)",
author = "Anthony Markel",
year = "2014",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the 2014 Annual Merit Review, 18 June 2014, Washington, D.C.",
type = "Other",