Photo-Electrochemical Hydrogen Generation from Inverted Metamorphic Multijunction III-Vs

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Our goal is to improve solar-to-hydrogen (STH) efficiency from just over 10% to over 20% via novel tandem semiconductor materials and configurations. Our primary focus is to develop inverted metamorphic multijunction (IMM) III-V semiconductors that have bandgaps optimized for water splitting. We will also discuss measurement challenges in appraising STH efficiency, some of which are specific to tandem absorbers. Using more stringent measurement standards, we have confirmed 16.2% STH on our most advanced IMM devices.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages3
StatePublished - 2018
Event2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) - Washington, D.C.
Duration: 25 Jun 201730 Jun 2017


Conference2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC)
CityWashington, D.C.

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5900-68613


  • electric potential
  • junctions
  • oxidation
  • photonic band gap
  • semiconductor device measurement


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