Photoconductivity Stability Improvement in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon by Ultraviolet Illumination

Howard M. Branz, Yueqin Xu, Stephan Heck, Qi Wang, Wei Gao, Richard S. Crandall, Brent P. Nelson

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


We observe improved photoconductivity stability against light-soaking in hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films as a result of an ultraviolet (UV) illumination and etch treatment. UV-etch treated samples begins with red-light photoconductivities inferior to that of a control sample which is only etched. After less than an hour of 1 sun red light-soaking, the photoconductivity of the etched-only control falls below that of the UV-etch treated sample. After 2 to 3 days light soaking, the UV-etch films can have a photosensitivity 20 to 38% above their control. We observe no corresponding improvement of defect optical absorption by constant photocurrent method spectroscopy. The UV-etch treatment also produces small improvements in the stabilized open-circuit voltage of Schottky barrier solar cells. We speculate that mobile hydrogen produced during UV illumination is penetrating the film and improving stability.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 2002
EventAmorphous and Heterogeneous Silicon-Based Films 2002: Materials Research Society Symposium - San Francisco, California
Duration: 2 Apr 20025 Apr 2002


ConferenceAmorphous and Heterogeneous Silicon-Based Films 2002: Materials Research Society Symposium
CitySan Francisco, California

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-520-34220


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