Photoelectrochemical Based Direct Conversion Systems for Hydrogen Production

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    This work is focused on the use of photoelectrochemical devices for the direct production of hydrogen from sunlight and water. Two types of systems were studied, both involving multijunction devices. One set of cells consisted of a-Si triple junctions and the other a GaInP2/GaAs tandem cell combination. Additional investigations were carried out on a-SiC double junctions. To catalyze the waterdecomposition process, the illuminated surface of the device was modified either by addition of platinum colloids or by coating with ruthenium dioxide.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages9
    StatePublished - 1997
    Event1997 U.S. DOE Hydrogen Program Review - Herndon, Virginia
    Duration: 21 May 199723 May 1997


    Conference1997 U.S. DOE Hydrogen Program Review
    CityHerndon, Virginia

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/CP-520-25624


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