Photovoltaic Manufacturing Cost and Throughput Improvements for Thin Film CIGS-Based Modules: Final Technical Report, July 1998 -- September 2001

    Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


    This report describes the marked improvements made of the production line under the PVMaT program: successfully developed a high-speed, all-laser, monolithic integration process for CIGS-based modules on polyimide substrates; exceeded PVMaT goals for scribing rate and total interconnect width; developed robust, well-controlled techniques for selective scribing; improved CIGS evaporation sourcesto allow uniform, controllable delivery; completed foundation required to integrate higher CIGS deposition rates into the production line; developed well-controlled Se delivery system to minimize Se consumption; successfully integrated the parallel-detector spectroscope ellipsometer (PDSE) into a production CIGS deposition chamber; collected useful, in-situ data with PDSE; validated theperformance of the X-ray fluorescometry (XRF) sensor in the production CIGS deposition chamber; and successfully incorporated the XRF sensor into the control architecture of the production CIGS deposition chamber.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages52
    StatePublished - 2002

    Bibliographical note

    Work performed by Global Solar Energy, Tucson, Arizona

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/SR-520-32072


    • bandgap
    • CIGS
    • effusion source
    • high-rate deposition
    • laser scribing process
    • PV
    • PVMAT
    • real-time processing parallel detector spectroscopic ellipsometer (PDSE)
    • x-ray florescence (XRF)


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