Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology Phase 1, Final Subcontract Report, 9 January 1991 - 14 April 1991

    Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


    This report documents Utility Power Group`s (UPG) contract under Phase 1 of the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology (PVMaT) project. Specifically, the report contains the results of a manufacturing technology cost analysis based on an existing PV module production facility. It also projects the cost analysis of a future production facility based on a larger module area, a larger productionrate, and the elimination of several technical obstacles. With a coordinated 18-month engineering effort, the technical obstacles could be overcome. Therefore, if solutions to the financial obstacles concerning production expansion were found, UPG would be able to manufacture PV modules at a cost of under $1.25 per watt by 1994.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages20
    StatePublished - 1991

    Bibliographical note

    Work performed by Utility Power Group, Chatsworth, California

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/SR-214-4482


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