Photovoltaic Module Certification/Laboratory Accreditation Criteria Development: Implementation Handbook

    Research output: NRELTechnical Report


    This document covers the second phase of a two-part program. Phase I provided an overview of the structure and function of typical product certification/laboratory accreditation programs. This report (Phase II) provides most of the draft documents that will be necessary for implementing a photovoltaic (PV) module certification/laboratory accreditation program. These draft documents includeorganizational documents, such as articles of incorporation, bylaws, rules of procedure, and a marketing and educational program. In Phase I, a 30-member criteria development committee was established to guide, review, and reach a majority consensus regarding criteria for a PV certification/laboratory accreditation program. Committee members represented PV manufacturers, end users, standards andcodes organizations, and testing laboratories. A similar committee was established for Phase II; the criteria implementation committee consisted of 29 members. Twenty-one of the Phase I committee members also served on the Phase II committee, which helped to provide program continuity during Phase II.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages248
    StatePublished - 1996

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/TP-412-21291


    • implementation handbook
    • laboratory accreditation
    • module certification
    • photovokaic modules
    • photovoltaics (PV)


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