Planning Roadmap for DER Integration in India: Industry Best Practices and Resource Guide

Erik Pohl, Killian McKenna

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


Ensuring safe, reliable, cost-effective DER integration at scale requires holistic planning, broad stakeholder engagement, and should address key development areas such as standards adoption, equipment testing and certification, interoperability and cybersecurity, interconnection procedures, and advanced forecasting and DER management. Each of these areas currently represent significant challenges for utilities, regulators, OEMs, developers, and even consumers worldwide. India has already seen significant growth of DERs and has announced targets for substantial growth yet to come, with the potential for DERs to make up a non-negligible portion of the country's overall generation capacity. As such, it is of critical importance that Indian stakeholders consider the potential impacts of wide-spread adoption of DERs and take preemptive action related to the five development areas listed here, among others. India should consider strategies including the adoption of key DER standards related to interconnection, testing, and cybersecurity; enabling effective and secure communication channels for DER interoperability; testing and certifying DER equipment in accredited testing laboratories; building robust, streamlined interconnection procedures; and revamping legacy system planning structures to incorporate DERs in a holistic planning framework.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages39
StatePublished - 2024

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-6A40-89603


  • cybersecurity
  • DER
  • distributed energy resources
  • distributed generation
  • distribution planning
  • IEEE 1547
  • integrated distribution planning
  • resource guide
  • rooftop solar
  • standards
  • testing


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