Policy and Regulatory Environment for Utility-Scale Energy Storage: Bangladesh

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


This report is part of a series investigating the potential for utility-scale energy storage in South Asia. This report is the third in a series of country-specific evaluations of policy and regulatory environments for energy storage in the region. These evaluations apply the previously developed Energy Storage Readiness Assessment to evaluate the policy and regulatory environment for energy storage in Bangladesh. Previous reports have applied this framework to India and Nepal. These evaluations are designed to provide insights on the opportunities and barriers for energy storage growth and deployment in each country. A complementary component of the policy and regulatory analysis for countries in South Asia consists of a techno-economic analysis to understand the drivers of energy storage investments in the region. Using NREL's power system planning and operational models of South Asia, this analysis will identify potential storage applications and growth opportunities under various cost, policy, and demand growth scenarios. In addition, the regulatory and policy barriers and incentive mechanisms identified in the energy storage readiness assessments will be incorporated into the modeling to understand their impact on energy storage deployment and operation. Together these studies will inform the applications and value of energy storage for power systems in South Asia, and policy and regulatory pathways to realize this value.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages46
StatePublished - 2021

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-5C00-80569


  • Asia
  • Bangladesh
  • energy storage
  • policy
  • policy assessment
  • regulation
  • regulatory
  • regulatory assessment
  • South Asia


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