Porous Mesh Manifold for Enhanced Boiling Performance: Article No. 124918

Roman Giglio, Muhammad Shattique, Ercan Dede, Sreekant Narumanchi, Mehdi Asheghi, Kenneth Goodson, James Palko

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


High-performance electronics are continuously demanding cooling of higher heat fluxes. Phase-change cooling, including pool boiling, is a useful approach to address this challenge; however, competition between liquid and vapor flows generally limit the heat fluxes that can be dissipated. A range of strategies to control these flows have been investigated previously, including capillary guides. Here a manifold structure formed from a metallic mesh is investigated to control the disposition of liquid and vapor phases above a pool fed boiling surface enhanced with porous structures. Copper mesh forms defined liquid flow paths, using capillary action to guide and distribute liquid evenly over the heated surface, along with open channels to facilitate vapor escape. The mesh provides a novel structure for liquid guidance that imposes low resistance to liquid flow while occluding a minimal area of heated surface underneath. The manifold performance is characterized in boiling fed by a pool of water above a laser-textured aluminum nitride heat dissipation surface with pin-fin structures having heights of 110 ..mu..m and spacing of 30 ..mu..m with a heated area of 5 mm x 5 mm. A maximum heat flux of 490 W/cm2 is reached with the manifold in the pool fed configuration, representing an increase of more than 65% over the porous pin fin surface alone. The maximum stable superheat observed for the manifold of 36 K is 14 K higher than that for the porous surface without the manifold. The factors limiting performance of the manifold are analyzed. High superheat is attributed to partial flooding of the boiling surface as suggested by the reduction in superheat using external suction. Similar systems and structures for enhanced two-phase cooling are compared.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages12
JournalApplied Thermal Engineering
StatePublished - 2025

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-5400-90309


  • boiling enhancement
  • critical heat flux
  • electronics cooling
  • heat transfer coefficient
  • porous structures


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