Potential of Proposed Open-Cycle OTEC Experiments to Achieve Net Power

    Research output: NRELTechnical Report


    Researchers at the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) conducted systems analysis studies to determine the potential of various experiments to produce net power using the Claude open-cycle ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) power system. The proposed experiment test site is to be the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii at Keahole Point. We found that net power is unlikely to be produced inexperiment sizes that use less than about 195 kg/s (3000 gpm) of cold water, and that flow rates of 420 kg/s (6500 gpm) are necessary to achieve a net power production of at least one-half the gross-power output of the experiment.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages8
    StatePublished - 1986

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/TP-253-2965


    • Hawaii
    • Keahole Point
    • natural energy laboratory
    • ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)
    • open-cycle


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