Potential of Wind Power to Provide Flexible Ramping Products and Operating Reserve: Preprint

Xin Fang, Brian Hodge, Venkat Krishnan, Fangxing Li

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


With increasing penetration levels of variable renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, electric power systems need flexible resources that can provide fast-response ramping capabilities to counter the variability and uncertainty of renewable generation. Although the California Independent System Operator and Midcontinent System Operator have lauched ramp products, determining how wind power can participate using their flexible ramping models is still largely unclear. This paper proposes a security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) model considering a flexible ramping constraint representing the system's flexible ramping requirements that account for the net load probabilistic forecast uncertainty. Through this explicit modeling of the uncertainty, the true cost of the flexible ramp service can be determined after solving the SCUC problem. In addition, the potential of wind power to provide operating reserves is analyzed. Numerical case studies demonstrate that with wind power providing both flexible ramping products and operating reserve, the system operating costs and ramp shortages will be reduced significantly.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages7
StatePublished - 2018
EventIEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Portland, Oregon
Duration: 5 Aug 201810 Aug 2018


ConferenceIEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
CityPortland, Oregon

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5D00-70161


  • flexible ramping products
  • operating reserves
  • security-constrained unit commitment
  • wind uncertainty


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