Power Converter Control Algorithm Design and Simulation for the NREL Next-Generation Drivetrain: July 8, 2013 - January 7, 2016

Jonathan Keller, Douglas Blodgett, Michael Behnke, William Erdman

Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and NREL Next-Generation Drivetrain Partners are developing a next-generation drivetrain (NGD) design as part of a Funding Opportunity Announcement award from the U.S. Department of Energy. The proposed NGD includes comprehensive innovations to the gearbox, generator, and power converter that increase the gearbox reliability and drivetrain capacity, while lowering deployment and operation and maintenance costs. A key task within this development effort is the power converter fault control algorithm design and associated computer simulations using an integrated electromechanical model of the drivetrain. The results of this task will be used in generating the embedded control software to be utilized in the power converter during testing of the NGD in the National Wind Technology Center 2.5-MW dynamometer. A list of issues to be addressed with these algorithms was developed by review of the grid interconnection requirements of various North American transmission system operators, and those requirements that presented the greatest impact to the wind turbine drivetrain design were then selected for mitigation via power converter control algorithms.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages47
StatePublished - 2016

Bibliographical note

Work performed by DNV KEMA Renewables, Inc., San Ramon, California; NREL Technical Monitor: Jonathan Keller

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/SR-5000-66486


  • algorithms
  • dynamometer
  • National Wind Technology Center
  • next-generation drivetrain
  • power converter testing


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