Power System Restoration Incorporating Diverse Distributed Energy Resources

Fei Ding (Inventor), Weijia Liu (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


An example system includes an aggregator configured to receive a service collaboration request and iteratively determine, based on minimum and maximum power values for DERs under its management, an optimized operation schedule. The aggregator may also be configured to iteratively determine, based on the optimized operation schedule, an estimated flexibility range for devices under its management and output an indication thereof. The system may also include a power management unit (PMU) configured to iteratively receive the indication and determine, based on a network model that includes the estimated flexibility range, a reconfiguration plan and an overall optimized operation schedule for the network. The PMU may also be configured to iteratively cause reconfiguration of the network based on the plan. The PMU and aggregator may also be configured to iteratively, at a fast timescale, cause energy resources under their management to modify operation based on the overall optimized operation schedule.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number11,705,755 B2
Filing date18/07/23
StatePublished - 2023

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-5D00-86956


  • aggregation unit
  • model predictive control
  • power distribution network
  • power management unit
  • service collaboration request


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