Preliminary Results from the Dynamic Response Testing of the Westinghouse 600-kW Wind Turbine

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


This paper provides a preliminary look at test data from a Westinghouse 600-kW wind turbine. The Westinghouse machine was fitted with instrumentation to record machine data, as well as wind and atmospheric conditions. Wind data were collected from five levels of anemometers mounted on a meteorological tower upwind of the turbine. Because of problems encountered while digitizing the data, thispaper presents results from a very limited number of channels and time-series data segments. Three sets of 10-minute data segments are presented that cover power, pitch angle, and blade loads. Because of the narrow scope of this analysis, the following conclusions should be considered tentative: (1) Energy production appears to be somewhat better than predicted. (2) The teetering hub appears tobe operating as expected, and the rotor is teetering to eliminate much of the loading caused by the mean wind shear in the inflow. (3) A large part of the flapping-moment variation is caused by low-frequency turbulence in the inflow.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages9
StatePublished - 1987

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-217-3276


  • HAWT
  • Mikani Moa'e
  • wind turbines
  • wood blades


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