Procedure to Measure Indoor Lighting Energy Performance

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


This document provides standard definitions of performance metrics and methods to determine them for the energy performance of building interior lighting systems. It can be used for existing buildings and for proposed buildings. The primary users for whom these documents are intended are building energy analysts and technicians who design, install, and operate data acquisition systems, and whoanalyze and report building energy performance data. Typical results from the use of this procedure are the monthly and annual energy used for lighting, energy savings from occupancy or daylighting controls, and the percent of the total building energy use that is used by the lighting system. The document is not specifically intended for retrofit applications. However, it does complementMeasurement and Verification protocols that do not provide detailed performance metrics or measurement procedures.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages72
StatePublished - 2005

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-550-38602


  • annual energy and lighting
  • building energy analysis
  • building energy performance
  • commercial buildings
  • energy analysis procedure
  • energy performance
  • energy performance benchmarks
  • high performance buildings
  • indoor lighting
  • lighting systems performance
  • performance metrics


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