Quantifying the Impact of Vehicle and Motor Fuel Provisions from the Energy Policy Act on the Sustainability and Resilience of U.S. Cities: Preprint

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


The Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992, with later amendments, was enacted with the goal of reducing U.S. petroleum consumption by building a core market for alternative fuels and vehicles. The U.S. Department of Energy manages three federal programs related to EPAct; the Sustainable Federal Fleets Program, the State and Alternative Fuel Provider Program, and Clean Cities. Federal agencies and State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleets are required to submit annual reports that document their compliance with the legislation. Clean Cities is a voluntary program aimed at building partnerships and providing technical expertise to encourage cities to reduce petroleum use in transportation. This study reviews the evolution of these three programs in relation to alternative fuel and vehicle markets and private sector adoption of alternative fueled vehicles to assess the impact of the programs on reduction in petroleum use and greenhouse gas emissions both within the regulated fleets and through development of alternative fuel and vehicle markets. The increased availability of alternative fuels and use of alternative fuels in regulated fleets is expected to improve cities' ability to respond to and quickly recover from both local disasters and short- and long-term regional or national fuel supply interruptions. Our analysis examines the benefits as well as potential drawbacks of alternative fuel use for the resiliency of U.S. cities.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages36
StatePublished - 2017
EventEnergy Policy Institute's 6th Annual Energy Policy Research Conference (EPRC6) - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Duration: 8 Sep 20169 Sep 2016


ConferenceEnergy Policy Institute's 6th Annual Energy Policy Research Conference (EPRC6)
CitySanta Fe, New Mexico

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5400-66850


  • alternative fuels
  • Energy Policy Act
  • resilience
  • sustainability


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