Quantitative Small-Signal Stability Analysis of Grid-Forming Inverters in Large-Scale Power Systems

Lizhi Ding, Yuzhu Ouyang, Xiaonan Lu, Junjie Qin, Shuan Dong, Andy Hoke, Jin Tan

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

2 Scopus Citations


In this paper, the challenges induced by the integration of inverter-based resources (IBRs) into existing power systems are discussed. Although the grid-forming (GFM) control has been used to enhance system performance in multiple sections of electric power systems (e.g., transmission and distribution systems, microgrids, among others), the coupling mechanism between GFM inverter and various types of other components in modern power systems should be clearly explored. Existing analyses mainly focus on qualitative investigations that verify the effectiveness of deploying GFM inverters for stability enhancement. A holistic system-level quantitative analysis is still missing to verify the detailed benefits of GFM inverters and their interactions with other generation units (e.g., synchronous generators [SGs], conventional grid-following [GFL] inverters, synchronous condensers, among others). To fill in the technical gaps, a holistic small-signal model of the entire system with both rotating generation units and IBRs is established along with the customized power flow analysis for varying steady-state operating points. Further, a quantitative method is proposed to identify the impacts of GFM inverters on system performance with an emphasis on a quantifiable stability margin and a complete modal analysis at the system level. Finally, a realistic test system is used to verify the proposed approach.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2023
EventEnergy Conversion Congress and Expo (IEEE-ECCE) - Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Duration: 29 Oct 20232 Nov 2023


ConferenceEnergy Conversion Congress and Expo (IEEE-ECCE)
CityNashville, Tennessee, USA

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5D00-88806


  • grid-following
  • grid-forming
  • inverter-based resources
  • small-signal stability
  • synchronous generator


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