Recombination Lifetime and Performance of III-V Compound Photovoltaic Devices

R. K. Ahrenkil, B. M. Keyes, S. M. Durbin, J. L. Gray

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

9 Scopus Citations


High-efficiency photovoltaic (PV) devices are based both on the III-V compound and silicon semiconductor technologies. The III-V compound and silicon semiconductor technologies. The III-V semiconductors are more efficient than silicon for concentrator technology when the incident flux exceeds about 200 suns. The devices are of both single-and multijunction configurations, the later being primarily feasible by the epitaxial growth of combinations of binary and ternary compounds.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 1993
EventProceedings of the 23rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - Louisville, KY, USA
Duration: 10 May 199314 May 1993


ConferenceProceedings of the 23rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
CityLouisville, KY, USA

NREL Publication Number

  • ACNR/CP-412-13631


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