Representative Project Design Envelope for Floating Offshore Wind Energy: A Focus on the California 2023 Federal Leases

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


NREL developed recommendations for a representative project design envelope (RPDE) for floating offshore wind energy projects in the California lease areas, considering industry feedback from offshore wind farm developers. The RPDE provides estimates of minimum and maximum values for project design parameters that are relevant for assessing environmental impacts. The design envelope considers the practical range of technology options that may be deployed and accounts for major physical constraints, technology feasibility, and supply chain readiness. In addition to the RPDE, this report presents four scenarios that illustrate some of the differences between technologies that could be used offshore California, as well as descriptions of the typical installation processes that are expected to be used for floating offshore wind farms.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages47
StatePublished - 2024

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-5000-89988


  • California
  • floating array design
  • offshore wind


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