Research on the Basic Understanding of High-Efficiency in Silicon Solar Cells: Annual Report, 1 December 1982 - 30 November 1983; A Subcontract Report

    Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


    This report presents results of research designed to develop a basic understanding of high-efficiency silicon solar cells and achieve cell efficiencies greater than 17% by employing innovative concepts of material preparation, cell design, and fabrication technology. The research program consisted of a theoretical effort to develop models for very high-efficiency cell designs, expermentalverification of the designs, and improved understanding of efficiency limiting mechanisms such as heavy doping effects and bulk and surface recombination. Research was performed on high-lifetime float-zone silicon, the baseline material, low-resistivity gallium-doped czochralski silicon, and boron-doped float-zone silicon.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages127
    StatePublished - 1984

    Bibliographical note

    Work performed by Westinghouse Research and Development Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/STR-211-2451


    • experimental data
    • silicon
    • solar cells
    • theoretical data


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