Revealing the Nano-Scale Structure and Properties of Pinholes in SiOx Layers for POLO Contacts

Harvey Guthrey, Abhijit Kale, Caroline Lima Salles de Souza, William Nemeth, Matthew Page, Sumit Agarwal, David Young, Mowafak Al-Jassim, Paul Stradins

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


In this contribution, we report on the charge collection characteristics of silicon photovoltaic devices with passivated contacts based on the c-Si/SiOx /poly-Si structure. Using electron-beam induced current (EBIC) imaging in plan-view and cross-section orientations, we find that charge collection in a device with a 1.5-nm-thick SiOx layer is fairly uniform in the p-n junction region and does not appear to be influenced by pyramidal surface texture. In contrast, a device with a 2.2-nm-thick oxide layer shows significant spatial variation in the charge-collection signal. The locations where we observe preferential collection of excess carriers is very sensitive to the processing conditions used to grow and breakup the SiOx passivation layer. In some cases the apexes of the pyramids exhibit reduced EBIC signal as the valleys between adjacent pyramids show the strongest collection. Other conditions yield enhanced charge collection at well defined spots on pyramid faces with no observable collection in the valleys.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages3
StatePublished - 2020
Event37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition -
Duration: 7 Sep 202011 Sep 2020


Conference37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5K00-77779


  • EBIC
  • passivated contact
  • pinholes
  • silicon solar cells
  • TEM


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