Review of Sector and Regional Trends in U.S. Electricity Markets: Focus on Natural Gas. Natural Gas and the Evolving U.S. Power Sector Monograph Series: Number 1

Jeffrey Logan, Kenneth Medlock III, Ph.D., William Boyd, Ph.D.

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


This study explores dynamics related to natural gas use at the national, sectoral, and regional levels, with an emphasis on the power sector. It relies on a data set from SNL Financial to analyze recent trends in the U.S. power sector at the regional level. The research aims to provide decision and policy makers with objective and credible information, data, and analysis that informs their discussions of a rapidly changing energy system landscape. This study also summarizes regional changes in natural gas demand within the power sector. The transition from coal to natural gas is occurring rapidly along the entire eastern portion of the country, but is relatively stagnant in the central and western regions. This uneven shift is occurring due to differences in fuel price costs, renewable energy targets, infrastructure constraints, historical approach to regulation, and other factors across states.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages56
StatePublished - 2015

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-6A50-64652


  • coal transition
  • electricity markets
  • natural gas
  • regional trends
  • regional trends
  • shift to natural gas


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