Role of Renewable Energy, Storage, and Demand Response in Karnataka's Power Sector Future

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


Karnataka ranks fourth among Indian states in installed capacity of renewable energy, which accounts for over 50% of its resource mix. The state is positioned to play a leading role in India's energy transition and contribute to meeting national targets for renewable energy thanks, in part, to ambitious state goals to develop Karnataka's abundant zero carbon energy resources and plans to phase out new investments in thermal plants. Power system stakeholders in Karnataka are faced with the challenge of planning a generation portfolio that accounts for the variability of wind and solar resources, meets increasing and shifting electricity demand, and satisfies operational and reliability requirements. The objective of this study is to evaluate least-cost pathways for Karnataka's electric power system through 2050. The capacity expansion model developed for this study identifies power system investment and operational decisions for every year (2020-2050) for all of India, with detailed representation of the state of Karnataka. The study led to five high-level results and provides a framework for recurring planning studies to meet changing system conditions and needs.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages47
StatePublished - 2022

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-6A40-83463


  • capacity expansion modeling
  • Children's Investment Fund Foundation
  • demand response
  • energy storage
  • grid systems
  • India
  • Karnataka
  • power system modeling
  • power systems
  • ReEDS


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