San Juanico Hybrid System Technical and Institutional Assessment: Preprint

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


San Juanico is a fishing village of approximately 120 homes in the Municipality of Comondu, Baja California. In April, 1999, a hybrid power system was installed in San Juanico to provide 24-hour power, which was not previously available. Before the installation of the hybrid power system, a field study was conducted to characterize the electrical usage and institutional and social framework ofSan Juanico. One year after the installation of the hybrid power system a 'post-electrification' study was performed to document the changes that had occurred after the installation. In December of 2003, NREL visited the site to conduct a technical assessment of the system.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2004
EventWorld Renewable Energy Congress VIII - Denver, Colorado
Duration: 29 Aug 20043 Sep 2004


ConferenceWorld Renewable Energy Congress VIII
CityDenver, Colorado

Bibliographical note

Prepared for the World Renewable Energy Congress VIII, 29 August - 3 September 2004, Denver, Colorado

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-500-36270


  • hybrid power system
  • San Juanico


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