Selection of Distribution Feeders for Implementing Distributed and Renewable Energy Applications

Benjamin Kroposki, P. K. Sen, Keith Malmedal

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

2 Scopus Citations


Climate change concerns, mandated renewable portfolio standards, lucrative government incentives, and accelerated cost reduction in renewables and distributed energy applications are driving steep growth in system installations. Distributed energy resources (DER) are not commonly connected to a bulk power transmission system, instead are interconnected near the load in the electric power distribution system. DER includes renewable energy such as wind and solar, fossil-fuel based generation such as microturbines, small gas turbine units and distributed energy storage. In this paper, a novel methodology is developed that ranks utility feeders for implementation of DER systems. This performance index is based on peak load reduction, increased system capacity, load-generation correlation, and feeder load growth. This is based on a statistical measure that quantifies the relationship between loads and the stochastic nature of renewable resources. This allows the utility to gain insight into improved benefits from non-dispatchable renewable resources such as solar and wind technologies as well as dispatchable DER technologies.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages11
StatePublished - 2009
Event2009 IEEE Rural Electric Power Conference, REPC 2009 - 53rd Annual Conference - Fort Collins, CO, United States
Duration: 26 Apr 200929 Apr 2009


Conference2009 IEEE Rural Electric Power Conference, REPC 2009 - 53rd Annual Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityFort Collins, CO

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-550-47064


  • Distributed energy resources
  • Distributed generation
  • Distributed storage
  • Distribution feeder
  • Distribution system
  • Optimization


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