Selfconsistent Analysis of Mobility-Lifetime Products and Subgap Absorption on Different PECVD A-Si:H Films

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    The photoconductivity and subband gap absorption measurements over a wide range of generation rate (G) have been carried out on diluted and undiluted a-Si:H films. It is found that in these high quality films there are significant differences in the functional dependence of mobility-lifetime products on G. In addition to the different values of subgap absorption (..alpha..) there are alsodistinct differences in the dependence of ..alpha.. on photon energy (E) as well as G. It is difficult to selfconsistently analyze the results on the undiluted film with the previously used three gaussian distribution, particularly at high generation rates. Selfconsistent analysis is obtained when the (+/0) transitions of negative charged defects and the (0/-) transitions of positive chargeddefects are introduced respectively closer to the valence and conduction bands. This new gap state distribution is a better representation for the defect pool model and potential fluctuation model.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages6
    StatePublished - 1997
    EventAmorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon Technology 1997: Materials Research Society Symposium - San Francisco, California
    Duration: 31 Mar 19974 Apr 1997


    ConferenceAmorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon Technology 1997: Materials Research Society Symposium
    CitySan Francisco, California

    Bibliographical note

    Work peerformed by Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/CP-520-24549


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