Seventh Oregon Climate Assessment

Greyson Adams, Glenn Ahrens, Jay Austin, Dominique Bachelet, Michael Barnett, John Barth, Tina Beavers, Brianna Beechler, Ralph Bloemers, Hilary Boudet, Jacob Bukoski, Jeff Burright, Olivia Cameron, Sarah Cameron, Daniel Cayan, Taylor Chapple, Aubryn Cooperman, Andrea Copping, Christopher Daly, Loren DavisTravis Douville, Kelsey Emard, Erica Escajeda, Hayley Farr, Nathan Fillmann, Erica Fleishman, Shawn Hazboun, Sarah Henkel, Scott Heppell, Selina Heppell, Nancy Hiner, Annie Hommel, Elizabeth Hyde, Arne Jacobson, Matthew Koszuta, Sharon Kramer, Stephanie Kruse, David Lewis, Brad Ling, Paul Loikith, Danica Lombardozzi, Rachel Lookadoo, Dan Loomis, Kyle Newton, Karina Nielsen, Mariah O'Brien, Larry O'Neill, Rajat Panwar, Collin Peterson, David Pierce, Kaus Raghukumar, Gabriel Rivera, Bryson Robertson, Todd Rounsaville, David Rupp, Mark Schulze, Mark Severy, Jason Sierman, Nick Siler, Joni Sliger, James Sterns, Elizabeth Tomasino, Rose Una, Yuhan Wang, Will Wieder, Kurt Williams

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


Consistent with its charge under Oregon House Bill 3543, the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute (OCCRI) conducts a biennial assessment of the state of climate change science, including biological, physical, and social science, as it relates to Oregon and the likely effects of climate change on Oregon. This seventh Oregon Climate Assessment, which builds on the previous assessments, is structured with the goal of supporting the state's mitigation planning for natural hazards and implementation of the Oregon Climate Change Adaptation Framework.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages314
StatePublished - 2025

Bibliographical note

NREL's Aubryn Cooperman contributed to the Offshore Wind Port Requirements section

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-5000-91499


  • offshore wind
  • ports


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