Simplified Method for Modeling the Impact of Arbitrary Partial Shading Conditions on PV Array Performance: Preprint

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


It is often difficult to model the effects of partial shading conditions on PV array performance, as shade losses are nonlinear and depend heavily on a system's particular configuration. This work describes and implements a simple method for modeling shade loss: a database of shade impact results (loss percentages), generated using a validated, detailed simulation tool and encompassing a wide variety of shading scenarios. The database is intended to predict shading losses in crystalline silicon PV arrays and is accessed using basic inputs generally available in any PV simulation tool. Performance predictions using the database are within 1-2% of measured data for several partially shaded PV systems, and within 1% of those predicted by the full, detailed simulation tool on an annual basis. The shade loss database shows potential to considerably improve performance prediction for partially shaded PV systems.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2015
Event42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - New Orleans, Louisiana
Duration: 14 Jun 201519 Jun 2015


Conference42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
CityNew Orleans, Louisiana

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5J00-64570


  • modeling
  • photovoltaic systems
  • shading
  • solar energy


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