Simulated Real-World Energy Impacts of a Thermally Sensitive Powertrain Considering Viscous Losses and Enrichment: Preprint

Eric Wood, Jeffrey Gonder, Forrest Jehlik, Sean Lopp

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


It is widely understood that cold ambient temperatures increase vehicle fuel consumption due to heat transfer losses, increased friction (increased viscosity lubricants), and enrichment strategies (accelerated catalyst heating). However, relatively little effort has been dedicated to thoroughly quantifying these impacts across a large set of real world drive cycle data and ambient conditions.This work leverages experimental dynamometer vehicle data collected under various drive cycles and ambient conditions to develop a simplified modeling framework for quantifying thermal effects on vehicle energy consumption. These models are applied over a wide array of real-world usage profiles and typical meteorological data to develop estimates of in-use fuel economy. The paper concludes witha discussion of how this integrated testing/modeling approach may be applied to quantify real-world, off-cycle fuel economy benefits of various technologies.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages15
StatePublished - 2015
EventSAE 2015 World Congress and Exhibition - Detroit, Michigan
Duration: 21 Apr 201523 Apr 2015


ConferenceSAE 2015 World Congress and Exhibition
CityDetroit, Michigan

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5400-63255


  • ambient temperatures
  • energy consumption
  • thermal effects


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