Simulating Catalysis with Realistic Pellet Geometries Using Mesoflow: A Case Study of Catalytic Propane Dehydrogenation

Research output: NRELPresentation


We present a case study of catalytic propane dehydrogenation with our open-source multiphysics solver, Mesoflow. The solver was developed to simulate reactive flow coupled to heterogeneous catalytic reactions and deactivation in the context of complex, mesoscale geometry. The method leverages cartesian block-structured adaptive mesh refinement to capture realistic catalyst microstructural features acquired directly from X-ray computed tomography data. A kinetic model for propane dehydrogenation and catalyst deactivation was developed based on temporal analysis of products (TAP) reactor experiments. The TAP reactor experiments allow for precise characterization of intrinsic kinetic reaction steps which are implemented into Mesoflow simulations to model the spatial and temporal evolution of reactants, products, and catalyst active sites. The short-term and long-term deactivation behavior is studied by using XCT data collected from fresh and aged catalyst pellets, which exhibit different microstructural features. This study employs time-splitting algorithms to connect disparate reaction and flow timescales, enabling the simulations to achieve realistic deactivation timescales on the order of minutes while the flow time-scales for small particles (100 microns) are several milliseconds. We also introduce a flexible automated python script that writes the necessary files to construct a Mesoflow simulation from user-created chemical mechanisms. We will also introduce a few new features that are added to Mesoflow such as higher order schemes, implicit chemistry integrators and the ability to run on AMD and NVIDIA graphics-processing-units.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages30
StatePublished - 2023

Publication series

NamePresented at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall Meeting, 13-17 August 2023, San Francisco, California

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PR-2800-87126


  • AMReX
  • catalysis
  • high performance computing
  • mesoscale modeling
  • microstructure
  • x-ray computed tomography


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