Situational Awareness of Grid Anomalies (SAGA) for Visual Analytics - Near-Real-Time Cyber-Physical Resiliency Through Machine Learning

Michael Ingram, Anthony Florita, Maurice Martin, Kenny Gruchalla, Xin Fang, Mengmeng Cai, Graham Johnson, Nalinrat Guba, Adarsh Hasandka, Meghan Mooney, Monte Lunacek, Nicholas Gilroy, Taylor Langan, Scott Caruso, Robert Cruickshank, Bri-Mathis Hodge, Marija Markovic

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


The Situational Awareness of Grid Anomalies (SAGA) project built upon foundational power system tools developed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) integrated with an ever-increasing set of Gridmetrics data extracted from the cable television (CATV) broadband network infrastructure while assimilating other time-series geospatial data and information, such as weather and cyber-physical phenomena, to demonstrate a disruptive technology for power system data analytics relying on existing infrastructure. Three research thrusts supported (1) visual analytics, (2) cyber-physical power system simulation, and (3) anomaly detection. SAGA created technology that leverages, couples, and fortifies two vastly different realms - power and broadband - to increase the resiliency of the power grid in the face of increasing cyberattacks and operational challenges related to integrating DERs. The exploration of potential synergies of broadband-enabled grids resulted in identifying a mutually beneficial symbiosis that can increase the resiliency of both power and broadband services. Broadband networks perform better with reliable power and are good at providing real-time measurements that identify where the grid is under attack, is failing, or is weak. Likewise, sensor-starved distribution grids perform better and can be more reliable when their operation is buttressed with observations of broadband-detected anomalies. Future research can explore broadband's contribution to continuing to improve grid resiliency, reliability, and cost-effective operation.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages81
StatePublished - 2023

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-5D00-85187


  • anomaly detection
  • broadband
  • cybersecurity
  • grid integration
  • observability


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