SnO2 Buffer Layers for High Efficiency CdSeTe/CdTe Devices

L. C. Infante-Ortega, Xiaolei Liu, Luksa Kujovic, Mustafa Togay, Luke Jones, Ali Abbas, Kieran Curson, R. C. Greenhalgh, Kurt Barth, Jake Bowers, John Walls, Ochai Oklobia, Stuart Irvine, Eric Colegrove, Brian Good, Matt Reese

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

2 Scopus Citations


SnO2 buffer layers of different thickness were deposited onto TEC 15 Fluorine doped tin oxide coated glass substrates using rf magnetron sputtering. The buffer layers were then incorporated into Cu-doped CdSeTe/CdTe devices using a range of CdCl 2 activation treatments and CuCl2 annealing temperatures to determine the effects of buffer layer thickness on device performance. Results show that all devices fabricated with thinner buffer layers resulted in much better J - V characteristics than their thicker counterparts. This was mainly due to a reduced open-circuit voltage (Voc) when using thicker buffer layers. The best device produced a conversion efficiency of 16.59%, fill factor of 71.62%, Jsc of 28.44 mA/cm 2 and Voc of 814.23 mV.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages3
StatePublished - 2023
Event2023 IEEE 50th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Duration: 11 Jun 202316 Jun 2023


Conference2023 IEEE 50th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC)
CitySan Juan, Puerto Rico

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5K00-88844


  • buffer layers
  • glass
  • magnetic devices
  • performance evaluation
  • photovoltaic cells
  • radio frequency
  • voltage


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