Solar Thermoelectricity via Advanced Latent Heat Storage

Eric Toberer (Inventor), David Ginley (Inventor), Philip Parilla (Inventor), Emily Warren (Inventor), Jonathan Rea (Inventor), Michele Olsen (Inventor), Aaron Martinez (Inventor), Corey Hardin (Inventor), Christopher Oshman (Inventor), Nathan Siegel (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


An aspect of the present disclosure is a system that includes a thermal valve having a first position and a second position, a heat transfer fluid, and an energy converter where, when in the first position, the thermal valve prevents the transfer of heat from the heat transfer fluid to the energy converter, and when in the second position, the thermal valve allows the transfer of heat from the heat transfer fluid to the energy converter, such that at least a portion of the heat transferred is converted to electricity by the energy converter.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent numberUS 10,203,164 B2
Filing date12/02/19
StatePublished - 2019

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-5K00-73299


  • fluid to energy converter
  • heat storage
  • heat transfer fluid
  • solar
  • thermal valve


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