Solargenix Energy Advanced Parabolic Trough Development

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


The Solargenix Advanced Trough Development Project was initiated in the Year 2000 with the support of the DOE CSP Program and, more recently, with the added support of the Nevada Southwest Energy Partnership. Parabolic trough plants are the most mature solar power technology, but no large-scale plants have been built in over a decade. Given this lengthy lull in deployment, our first Projectobjective was development of improved trough technology for near-term deployment, closely patterned after the best of the prior-generation troughs. The second objective is to develop further improvements in next-generation trough technology that will lead to even larger reductions in the cost of the delivered energy. To date, this Project has successfully developed an advanced trough, which isbeing deployed on a 1-MW plant in Arizona and will soon be deployed in a 64-MW plant in Nevada. This advanced trough offers a 10% increase in performance and over an 20% decrease in cost, relative to prior-generation troughs.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 2005
Event2005 DOE Solar Energy Technologies Program Review Meeting - Denver, Colorado
Duration: 7 Nov 200510 Nov 2005


Conference2005 DOE Solar Energy Technologies Program Review Meeting
CityDenver, Colorado

Bibliographical note

Presented at the 2005 DOE Solar Energy Technologies Program Review Meeting held November 7-10, 2005 in Denver, Colorado. Also included in the proceedings available on CD-ROM (DOE/GO-102006-2245; NREL/CD-520-38557)

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-550-39206


  • NREL
  • parabolic trough
  • photovoltaics (PV)
  • PV
  • solar


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