title = "Storage Futures Study: Grid Operational Impacts of Widespread Storage Deployment",
abstract = "This report, the fifth in the Storage Futures Study series, uses cost-driven scenarios from the ReEDS model as a starting point to examine the operational impacts of grid-scale storage deployment and relationships between this deployment and the contribution of variable renewable energy. We use commercial production cost modeling software to evaluate hourly operation of five scenarios that reach between 210 gigawatts (GW) and 930 GW of installed storage by 2050. We find that storage plays an important role in these power systems between now and 2050 - by storing the lowest-marginal cost generation (often, overgeneration from solar or wind plants) and generating energy during the highest net load periods of the day and year. Storage helps with the integration of variable renewable energy and by providing an important resource to provide continued reliable power.",
keywords = "battery, bulk power system, grid operations, storage, variable generation, webinar",
author = "Jennie Jorgenson and Nate Blair and Paul Denholm and Will Frazier",
year = "2022",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the Storage Futures PLEXOS Webinar, 25 January 2022",
type = "Other",